
Research trayectory

My scientific career began with my incorporation in 2005, in order to achieve my PhD, to the groups of Professor Ballesteros (UNED, organic synthesis) and Professor Cerdan (IIBM-CSIC, MRI). I was enrolled in the project titled “Synthesis of new contrast agents for magnetic resonance sensitive to oxygen tension”, which had three phases: 1) synthesis and characterization of various derivatives of nitroimidaozole; 2) biochemical and pharmacological studies of the more promising candidates to assess their in vivo applicability; and 3) in vivo testing as molecular markers of oxygen tension by 1H-MRI. This work resulted in several papers and a PhD. During this period, I performed several secondments. I join the lab of Professor Mason, at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas (USA), who stand out for their developments in the field of oxygenation measurements using 19F-MRI. I learned that technique and participated in the set-up and development of two new projects: the evaluation of a new CA to measure oxygen tension in tumours by 1H-MRI; and the development of a new technique, DOCENT, where MRI images were used to evaluate the improvement in tumor oxygenation by breathing a gas with high oxygen content. I also joined Professor Griffiths’ lab, at the Cancer Research Institute in Cambridge University (UK), to setup the acquisition and processing of pH maps by 1H-MRI in order to study the role of carbonic anhydrase IX in the tumoral pH. During my PhD I also participated in multiple external collaborations that led to further publications.

        In May 2011 I joined the Instituto de Neurociencias (IN) in Alicante (CSIC), with a permanent position as the technical manager of the Unit of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRU). I set up the facility, from the very early beginnings, to convert it in a central service of the IN and CSIC. I was in charge of setting up different MRI acquisition and processing protocols, including apparent diffusion coefficient maps and image by diffusion tensor imaging; single and multivoxel spectroscopy; and functional MRI images, among others. As the responsible of this central service, I was in charge of the entire management of the unit, from providing technical and scientific consulting to users, organizing the work and the budget of the unit, and training in the use of MRI and animal handling. Beyond that, I was actively involved in the research of several groups, which translated into my publication record. During this period, I also participate in different teaching, educational and outreach activities as well as in student mentoring, as demonstrated by the master thesis developed during this time that was later translated into a paper95.

         In March 2017, I joined the lab of Professor Bhujwalla at the JHUSOM as a postdoc, with my own fellowship from the Alonso Martin Escudero foundation followed by a Marie-Skłodowska Curie Action (MSCA). During this time, I have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge for the acquisition, processing and analysis of different in vivo imaging modalities including optical imaging, bioluminescence and PET/Computed Tomography (CT). I have also learned different molecular biology techniques, as RT-PCR, WB, immunohistochemistry and FC. Finally yet importantly, I acquired valuable knowledge of NP synthesis and decoration with multiple CA to create theranostic agents.

In October 2022, I become a titular scientific……….right now I have my own lab…….

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