

Per Review Articles


Pacheco-Torres, J., M.-F. Penet, B. Krishnamachary, Y. Mironchik, Z. Chen and Z. M. Bhujwalla (2021). «PD-L1 siRNA Theranostics With a Dextran Nanoparticle Highlights the Importance of Nanoparticle Delivery for Effective Tumor PD-L1 Downregulation.» Frontiers in Oncology 10(3443).

access publication


Pacheco-Torres, J., M. F. Penet, Y. Mironchik, B. Krishnamachary and Z. M. Bhujwalla (2021). «The PD-L1 metabolic interactome intersects with choline metabolism and inflammation.» Cancer Metab 9(1): 10.

access publication


Nie, T., Z. He, J. Zhu, K. Chen, G. P. Howard, J. Pacheco-Torres, I. Minn, P. Zhao, Z. M. Bhujwalla, H.-Q. Mao, L. Liu and Y. Chen (2021). «Non-invasive delivery of levodopa-loaded nanoparticles to the brain via lymphatic vasculature to enhance treatment of Parkinson’s disease.» Nano Research.

access publication


Salas-Lucia, F., J. Pacheco-Torres, S. Gonzalez-Granero, J. M. Garcia-Verdugo and P. Berbel (2020). «Transient Hypothyroidism During Lactation Alters the Development of the Corpus Callosum in Rats. An in vivo Magnetic Resonance Image and Electron Microscopy Study.» Front Neuroanat 14: 33.

access publication


Quinones, D. R., L. M. Fernandez-Molla,  J. Pacheco-Torres, J. M. Carames, S. Canals and D. Moratal (2019). «TherMouseDuino: An affordable Open-Source temperature control system for functional magnetic resonance imaging experimentation with mice.» Magn Reson Imaging 58: 67-75.

access publication


Lee, S. H., D. McIntyre, D. Honess, A. Hulikova, J. Pacheco-Torres, S. Cerdan, P. Swietach, A. L. Harris and J. R. Griffiths (2018). «Carbonic anhydrase IX is a pH-stat that sets an acidic tumour extracellular pH in vivo.» Br J Cancer 119(5): 622-630. 

access publication



Negri, V., J. Pacheco-Torres, D. Calle and P. Lopez-Larrubia (2020). «Carbon Nanotubes in Biomedicine.» Top Curr Chem (Cham) 378(1): 15.

access publication


Penet, M. F., T. Shah, F. Wildes, B. Krishnamachary, S. K. Bharti, J. Pacheco-Torres, D. Artemov and Z. M. Bhujwalla (2019). «MRI and MRS of intact perfused cancer cell metabolism, invasion, and stromal cell interactions.» NMR Biomed: e4053.

access publication


Chen, Z., B. Krishnamachary, J. Pachecho-Torres, M. F. Penet and Z. M. Bhujwalla (2019). «Theranostic small interfering RNA nanoparticles in cancer precision nanomedicine.» Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol: e1595.

access publication


Zhou, H., N. Arias-Ramos, P. Lopez-Larrubia, R. P. Mason, S. Cerdan and J. Pacheco-Torres (2018). «Oxygenation Imaging by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods.» Methods Mol Biol 1718: 297-313.

access publication


Pacheco-Torres, J., A. Moreno, B. Fernández, L. Pérez-Cervera, J. M. Caramés, L. M. Fernández-Mollá, E. Pérez-Montoyo, M. Martínez-Sánchez, D. Moratal and S. Canals (2018). Chapter 24 – Functional MRI of Synaptic Plasticity. Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience. D. Manahan-Vaughan, Elsevier. 28: 441-456.

access publication

Talks and posters


Pacheco-Torres J, Shah T, Brennen WN, Wildes F, and Bhujwalla ZM. Effects of hypoxia on normal prostate fibroblast and prostate cancer associated fibroblast metabolism and matrix degradation. AACR Annual meeting. Oral talk. Virtual meeting 06/2021.


Pacheco-Torres J, Brennen WN, Wildes F, Bhujwalla ZM. Hypoxia modifies normal fibroblast metabolism towards a cancer associated fibroblast phenotype in pancreatic cancer. WMIC annual meeting. Oral talk, Virtual meeting. 10/2020.


Pacheco-Torres J, Penet M-F, Wildes F, Mironchik Y, Krishnamachary B, Bhujwalla ZM. The immune checkpoint PD-L1 alters choline kinase expression and metabolism in triple negative breast cancer cells. ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition. Oral talk, Virtual meeting. 06/2020. Presentation selected for the ISMRM Highlights Sessions – Cancer.


Pacheco-Torres J, Penet M-F, Wildes F, Mironchik Y, Krishnamachary B, Bhujwalla ZM. The Immune Checkpoint PD-L1 and Choline Kinase-α are inversely related in triple negative human breast cancer cells. Radiology Research Day, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.; Poster, Baltimore (USA). 12/2018. Posted awarded in the Preclinical Category.


Pacheco-Torres, J., Ballesteros P., Lopez-Larrubia P., and Cerdan S. Reduced glutathione rather than oxygen concentration determines the reduction rate of nitroimizadol probes used as hypoxia markers. ISMRM 19th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition; Poster, Montreal (Canada), 05/2011. First Place in the Poster Award in the Molecular Category.

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